Hello people,
I need some help I have been working along with my team mateon a setup
for Darlington that will last 58 laps and run 180 to 181 mph laps with no
luck.I have a league race tonight and no one will pit but me and my
teammate.We have spent hours on tring to work on a setup for this track and
all it has done is aggrevate us to our last nerve.So I have a deal for
someone.I will trade my best and fast dega setup which can run 199 without
the draft at times and consistenet 198.7 laps.My hawaii name is GT86 and I
am one of the best fastest drivers at Dega.Aswell as some other tracks
Imight even trade a 195 mph setup for Mich.If the darl setup is good
enough.I need the the setup by tionight by 5:00 Est.So if anyone out has a
good setup for long runs for Darlington that will run 58 laps at 85 degrees
Thank you