> He might be small and "unknown" ... but there's more to Pedro Rodriguez
> than perhaps known by you and me... anyway - it's a great story:
> http://www.autosport.com/asknigel.cfm?id=18009&letter=4&series=5
Just read it myself earlier today, great story, one of the reasons I try
not to miss the weekly "ask Nigel" on Autosport, he may not be the most
objective person at all times :-), but his knowledge of F1 and Sportscar
racing is substantial, and his writing style is pretty good too, it's
usually a good read
You can find another "Autosport personality" over on
http://www.jimbamber.co.uk great racing cartoons, his latest is a
tribute to Rally driver Tony Pond who passed away on Feb 7th from cancer
Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
"A woman is an occasional pleasure but a cigar is always a smoke"
--Groucho Marx--