I am old, and I drove power steering equipped cars in the early '50's, and they
had ZIP road feel, constant and too light turning resistance and poor accuracy;
in short, just what you get in today's non force-feedback sim wheels1 It is
beyond me how someone would drive "Grand Prix Legends" with a non-force
feedback,and then try it WITH force feedback and feel the non FF was better and
felt more "real". I'm well aware that one can spend from $1200 skyward for a
non-FF wheel, and while it might be well constructed and tight, if it has no
road-feel, what is the point? Glen Priest
> > I'm not really that big into racing sims but enjoy them time to time,
> meaning
> > I never have the desire to actually get in the garage and tweak my car.
> > My favorites are Sportscar GT & GPL. I currently use a handheld wheel
> throttle
> > combo made by Interact I believe.
> > I've seen the TM Nascar Pro USB on Computer Geeks for around $20. Or
> should
> > I perhaps get a Logitech force feedback? Does FFB make that big of a
> > difference?
> > I run WinXP
> > Roderick
> Yes, FF makes a huge difference, it makes most sims undrivable, LOL. In
> other words, FF is a personal preference. I have used a FF wheel in the past
> for about 9 months (with N3-first part of N4) and moved back to a non FF
> wheel. To me FF effects, as of yet, feel to phoney and make the sims less
> accurate to me.
> There will be people on the other side of the fence, probably more
> staunchly, but I do ok with my non FF wheel. I've won my share of pickup
> races, league races and a league championship last fall without FF. So I
> simply contend it is up to the driver and FF is NOT the best thing for
> everyone as a lot of folks will tell ya. I say try both if you can and
> decide for yourself.
> I'd recommend a wheel (non FF of course :) ) but your subject was casual
> wheels. As much as I paid for mine, I don't think the wife would let me call
> it 'casual', hehe.
> Good Luck...and definetly ditch the V3 if thats the Interact wheel you
> have..