Tire Pressure at Richmond


Tire Pressure at Richmond

by Er » Sat, 16 Mar 1996 04:00:00

I have my LF shock at 100% and pressure at 47-48 and my tire temp for LF has
gone down.  Sitting on pit row its at 114 after 3-5 laps its at 84.  Whats up?
Has anyone have this problem if so how did you fix it?

Eric Treaster

Danny Fesperm

Tire Pressure at Richmond

by Danny Fesperm » Sat, 16 Mar 1996 04:00:00

: I have my LF shock at 100% and pressure at 47-48 and my tire temp for LF has
: gone down.  Sitting on pit row its at 114 after 3-5 laps its at 84.  Whats up?
: Has anyone have this problem if so how did you fix it?

The same thing happens to me.  It's definitely a flaw in the physics
model, but there's really nothing you can do to raise the temp.  Just
worry about the other three tires.

Danny Fe***an


Tire Pressure at Richmond

by Uala » Sat, 16 Mar 1996 04:00:00

: I have my LF shock at 100% and pressure at 47-48 and my tire temp for LF
: gone down.  Sitting on pit row its at 114 after 3-5 laps its at 84.
Whats up?
: Has anyone have this problem if so how did you fix it?

Au contraire, mes amis.
Tire temps can be adjusted by manipulating values in your track.txt file.
Look at these lines:
TIRES 57344 4100 128000000 57344 3100 128000000 0
TIRE2 57999 3300 128000000 57999 3300 128000000 0
The top line refers to Goodyears, and the bottom line refers to Hoosiers.
For this discussion, let's assume you are riding on Goodyears. The 57344
defines the amount grip on the left side. Raise this for better grip.
Better grip=higher heat generated=shorter tread life. (Maybe not exactally
like in the real world, but in the sim). The next number refers to the
heat that will be generated in the left side tires when sliding through
the corners. Lower this to compensate for the higher heat that will occur
when you raise the grip value.The next number refers to tire wear\tread
life. Higher heat=shorter life. A higher value=longer life. Change the  2
in 128000000 ( or lop off the 1 ) to a 0 and watch what happens!. Make
sure that this is never less than an 8 place value or the sim will crash
when loading the affected track. The other sets of numbers refer to the
right side tires in the same order. So....if you need higher rt. side
temps and want a little more grip, change the 57344 to maybe 65000 and
leave the 3100 alone.... or leave the 57344 as is and raise the 3100 to
perhaps 3500 or so. These are starting points and will need to be played
with to your suiting. Looking at the TIRES and TIRE2 values, you can see
why you get better grip but shorter life on Hoosiers vs Goodyears. Anyone
have a  need Kryptonite tires? By the way, this is how some people have
been able get jaw-dropping lap times\speeds on some tracks that no one
else can duplicate. Wanna cream someone in a modem race? Easy, when you
know how.

PS ICR2 doesn't quite work this way.  :(

Paul Bo

Tire Pressure at Richmond

by Paul Bo » Thu, 21 Mar 1996 04:00:00

>: I have my LF shock at 100% and pressure at 47-48 and my tire temp for LF has
>: gone down.  Sitting on pit row its at 114 after 3-5 laps its at 84.  Whats up?
>: Has anyone have this problem if so how did you fix it?
>The same thing happens to me.  It's definitely a flaw in the physics
>model, but there's really nothing you can do to raise the temp.  Just
>worry about the other three tires.
>Danny Fe***an

Hey same problem here,also noticed that for example try something wild
such as a -wedge of 300 and after awhile you can drive it,go back make
adjustments and it still drives good,leave the track go to
another,come back same car still drives good,but exit game and come
back,now same good driving car is a bag of sh**.makes it hard to setup
a car there and at north wilks both have same problem.
Let us know if someone finds a way around this other than quitting
game after each adustment.
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