> > So, it used to be that Plextor had the good drives. Anyone got a
> > recommendation (or a website with real reviews?). all I know is I want a
> > GOOD one.
> Sony and NEC has DVD drives that can burn both formats
> (DVD-R,DVD+R,DVD-RW,DVD+RW). Make sure you don't get a drive that can only
> burn one of the formats, as we don't know who is going to win the format
> war.
> Sony is more expensive so it might be the GOOD one. :) Sony DRU-510 or
> something like that.
Jone's comment about getting a burner that supports both formats are
spot on, however, +/- burners are being released right left and center
and there's no need to pay through your nose, MSI had a decent one
that's just been released and looks pretty good for the money, the
DR4-A, which according to pricewatch can be found for less than 150 in
retail packaging with software, comes with Nero I believe
Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
"goyl at nettx dot no"
"A man is only as old as the woman he feels........"
--Groucho Marx--