quarter in college, and it now contains somthing you might be interested
It's just a personal site touting my tech stuffs as my friends and I battle
back and forth to see who has the best computers, but I've begun to post a
*TINY* bit of my 10GB of motorsports videos including entire 2000F1 and all
so far of 2001 F1, CART and mucho sportscars from Sebring Lemans Daytona
and Speedvision GT/TC series. Also the entire 'lap of the gods' incar 80's
F1 show. I may be hosting my own site very soon allowing me to post a
copius amount of DivX / Mp3 224kb schweet .avi's.
I've posted here as a long time GPL 'ringer (8:17PB consistant/safe 8:30's)
and now 1-1.5mile NASCAR4 oval stud :)>, now it's just blatant link
whoring. Though this group might enjoy a few thrilling F1 incar tours,
check it out! http://www.racesimcentral.net/
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