Lately, I've been getting all e***d about the possibilities before me,
and been trying to decide on various upgrades for my PBell P75. Today, I
stopped by three computer shops to inquire about this and that... and
I've learned there's two very important phrases that those of us that
want more from our computers had better learn, and learn well:
1. Proprietory System
2. Open Archetecture
The first phrase is BAD NEWS for owners of PBell, Acer, etc (essentially
any system bought from a department store). Basically it means that
these systems ARE upgradable (for the most part) IF you use the mfg's
parts. That is, if I want to upgrade just one item in my PB... then I
must use a PB product. Plus, most "proprietory systems" use integrated
cards that WILL NOT allow "outside" add-ons etc. Example: Most PB
modems are part of the sound card. So... forget bringing that 122
kazillion baud modem card home and installing it. Sheez... even my
lousy tower CASE can't be reused... it's "dedicated" to fit PB Boards!
No problem you say? Just buy a PB mainboard "upgrade"? Sure... spend
$900 for a PB board that would only cost $250 for a machine that uses
the "open archetecture" format. No thanks.
Needless to say, that pulls the plug on my PBell upgrade. Now I've got
to decide if the time has come to lay out some serious $$$ to have my
own system built USING THE "OPEN ARCHETECTURE" format... or continue to
sit and let all the neat stuff pass me by. I will NEVER again buy a
"proprietory system"... I don't give a rip whose name is on it. And I
urge you to investigate for yourselves BEFORE your next purchase.
announced that they are being forced to start loping off "low end" modem
users. "We" are tying up too much bandwidth with our "slow" modems.
First to go are 14.4 baud users (me). Pitty the fools of us that are
using "propietory systems" when we can no longer access the net and are
told by our ISP that we must go buy a faster modem... only to discover
we can't use it in our system!