What would it take to connect my computer to a tv screen> I've hear of an
encoder, what is this and what does it do?
What would it take to connect my computer to a tv screen> I've hear of an
encoder, what is this and what does it do?
->->->->Mark Mann->->->->http://www.netrunner.net/~markmann
Go Jacques Villeneuve - #6 Williams-Renault
Go Greg Moore - #99 Player's/Forsythe-Reynard-Mercedes
> >What would it take to connect my computer to a tv screen> I've hear of an
> >encoder, what is this and what does it do?
> I've got on on my 53" Sony. It converts the Vga digital signal to an
> anolog signal your television can understand. It works well->make sure
> you get a *flicker free* model,
> later,
> ->->->->Mark Mann->->->->http://www.netrunner.net/~markmann
Dana Bailes
I'm using the PC/TV Plus, which was about $190 (U.S.) when I purchased
it a year ago. Works great for VGA mode with an included utility
(MOVESCR). GP2 in VGA mode looks astoundingly good on a 27" TV
screen. I can only dream about the 53" Sony... :)
Kyle Stevens