Monitor Suggestions


Monitor Suggestions

by Jazzbo » Sun, 28 Nov 1999 04:00:00

I am thinking about getting a new monitor, I saw a Mac LCD panel
( that look pretty cool
at my cousin's house, very good looking piece of industrial design.
Would this be suitable for sim-racing given the max resolution is
1024x800 or so. For the same money, I could get a 21" CRT monitor, but
would take much more space and waste much more energy... Your comments
and sugggestions welcomed. I use my PC mainly for games and audio/video

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Before you buy.

Jack Wilso

Monitor Suggestions

by Jack Wilso » Sun, 28 Nov 1999 04:00:00

just got mitsubishi diamond plus 71, 17" great monitor rated#1 17" by pc
world, cost 267 on internet no shipping charges

Leo Landma

Monitor Suggestions

by Leo Landma » Tue, 30 Nov 1999 04:00:00

An LCD-panel is not the right choice for sim racing, I was once told by
a monitor technician. I forgot why (lots of technical reasons,
concerning refresh rates etc.). Get that 21 inch tube!


Steve Ferguso

Monitor Suggestions

by Steve Ferguso » Tue, 30 Nov 1999 04:00:00

:> Would this be suitable for sim-racing

: An LCD-panel is not the right choice for sim racing, I was once told by
: a monitor technician. I forgot why (lots of technical reasons,
: concerning refresh rates etc.). Get that 21 inch tube!

While it's not perfect, the benefits in the rest of your daily activities
could make it worthwhile.  Some people, myself included, notice far less
eye strain working with a TFT panel than even a good Sony CRT.  I even
managed to play GP2, ICR2 etc on my old Dual-Scan (passive matrix
LCD) equipped notebook.  I liked to think of the display as "hardware
implemented motion blurring".  It really helped to smooth out the frame
rate on the old P133... heh heh.

Go try one and see for yourself.

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