: Yesterday, while at work I got a distress call from my wife and son. It
: seems that after going into "RACE" menu that there was no "QUALIFYING" nor
: "PRACTICE" on the list at the bottom left. The only option left is race.
: Has anybody have this happen to them or know what happened??!! If so,
: please help me, so I can work in peace once more.
: Tim
: So. Calif. NASCAR Fan
Since you are a NASCAR fan, I assume we are talking about NASCAR2...
It sounds like they saved a "race" in progress. When they went to the
track the only option is RACE. This happens even if the game is saved
after the qualifying round and one would normally still have a "warmup"
session. Just don't load the saved version and the other options will
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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