Ok so now i have a heap of heat questions! :)

Luke Phillip

Ok so now i have a heap of heat questions! :)

by Luke Phillip » Thu, 12 Sep 2002 23:31:02

Ok i followed daves instructions in my earlier post, uninstalled,
re-installed to the default (Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\).
Then I:

*Installed the multi patch
*Installed the 1.72e patch
*Ran the game and set it up the way i want
*Edited options.cfg and changed from no to yes on ***_enabled and
vertex_damage or something like that.
*Installed the 50 truck patch
*Installed the Formula Ford 2000 patch
*Installed the DTM patch
*Installed a bunch of tracks

I went to go and run the F2000 patch by running the .exe file that it came
with and it said its not designed for w2k run it anyway, where i said yes
and it crashed not long after. So i thought id run the default nascar to see
if i stuffed up anything but it worked fine, went to go run the f2000 patch
again and this time it worked... but im still driving nascars!

The other questions i have are:

Does it always take 2-3mins to load each session??? It drives me insane

When i installed the 50truck patch there is no executable or link file, just
a bunch of batch files like 50truckmenu etc. Also when i run that i still
drive nascars!!! ARGH!

When i goto run the DTMLauncher.exe file i get a runtime error, file not
found message!

So i have already pulled my hair out, now its time to play some game..
please help some1 :)

Cool Hand Luke


Ok so now i have a heap of heat questions! :)

by MadDAW » Fri, 13 Sep 2002 00:21:28

That is caused by having Vertex damage turned on. Turn off Vertex damage and
it will load at normal rates.

The early mods swapped alot of files around. I think with the 1.5 patch they
could do it with a command line switch in a single short cut.  I don't know
about the 50trucks, but DH said they were redoing the DTM mod to work that

Have you tried the GTP mod? its pretty cool. I have only done a few laps,
but 150 mph thru the esses at Watkins Glen is pretty fun.


Morris Jone

Ok so now i have a heap of heat questions! :)

by Morris Jone » Fri, 13 Sep 2002 08:24:13

Where is the GTP mod?

Dave Henri

Ok so now i have a heap of heat questions! :)

by Dave Henri » Fri, 13 Sep 2002 09:17:03 is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.