New homebrew wheel site?

Bojan Zivancevi

New homebrew wheel site?

by Bojan Zivancevi » Sat, 11 Dec 1999 04:00:00

> I've built my own wheel with the help of Lew's Wheels and Wally's World, but
> I've just found a great new homebrew site I think at

> Is this a new site, or have I just been asleep lately?  I amazed I didn't
> find it sooner - definately worth a look you homebuilders.

This is rather OLD site you know. :) But it is great and one can learn a lot from it. I
used some of it for my own wheel.

I'm sorry that Lew is putting down his site, and very similar thing is going on with
Walt's. His site is still operational but he hasn't got the time to update nor he has
enough space for all the photos. That's a disaster because his site is great too. But I
asked him directly about it and he said that everything will be left just the way it is -
that means  A LOT of broken links there...


Bojan Zivancevic
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