Anyone working of a comprehensive FAQ for Hosting? I know there are guidelines knocking about (on
Alison's site and elsewhere) but it seems hard to work out why Cs crash. Hosting three other drivers I
tried twice tonight and the PC locked up solid after about 5 minutes.
A few weeks back someone told me moving from 64 to 128Mb RAM would help, but does anyone know
for certain whether RAM's a factor? It'd be nice to have an excuse to buy more, but I really don't need it
for anything else (yet! :-)
If RAM is an issue (or at least a contributing factor) I find myself wondering if we could persuade
Papyrus to give us a hack for disabling recording. Apart from anything else it'd save a few CPU cycles,
and while it's nice to have a bit of replay to look at, it's certainly not something I "need".
PS I know PC crashes are all part of the "fun" of online racing, but sorry to those who were racing
with me tonight... I'd like to be a reliable host but my dinner parties appear to suck. Maybe I should get
one of those hostess trollies... or a takeaway.
PPS Something else I was wondering... as you do... after my recent upgrade I have a second PC in the
house for a while (225mmx, 48Mb, runs GPL fine with a few cars). I was wondering if I could set up a
mini network and use that to run a server, perhaps sharing the workload this end and making hosting a
more reliable experience. It's one of those projects that would be interesting to try but might take forever
to sort out and still fail dismally. Anyone know of anything similar being tried? Actually, thinking about it...
I'd drive on that PC and use this to host as it's got the modem, but that's just a minor detail :-)