lets see..i will need my osiris, apple script, perl, perl language
geneator app.,,and then maybe a cron file... Naaah. too much work!
> wrote on 8/28/02 12:35 AM:
> > Just like RAMVA... so maybe it's not even Off Topic here ? LOL
> Well, I could put up a RAMVA post generator. It would have to emulate
> strictly newbies. Just seed the driver data with "My car won't" +- (start,
> idle, shift, heat) +- "and it" (drifts, shakes, vibrates, grinds, smells, is
> too hot) +- "How can I go" (faster, cheaper, lower, louder). And end each
> thread with the original post saying "FOR SALE!"
> Man, I'm really tempted.