Beat the breathalyser


Beat the breathalyser

by Larr » Sat, 04 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Ok, I won't jump down your throat about Drinking and Driving.

But I will for you posting this ***in a non-commercial newsgroup you
money-grubbing feind!



> Before you all jump down my throat about not drinking and driving - this
> not for those of you who liked to get tanked up on a Friday night...

> Imagine a quiet meal with a lady friend and 3 glasses of wine to accompany
> that boeuf wellington.

> Would you even think you'd be over the limit after having consumed so
> little?

> Well here in France you'd be over the limit - 0.5, in Scandinavia the
> is 0.2.

> You get caught and you can  lose your license for  up to one year  and in
> some  circumstances you may end up behind bars.

> Consider the advantages of Desalco - a miracle product which effectively
> lowers your *** *** level by half.  Visit our site to find out more

> Don't forget to take a personal breathalyser test before getting behind
> wheel.

> Bye

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