% Hi all I am in the process of building a wheel and want to add more then
% four buttons to it.Does anyone here(Where else could I look but here)know
% where I can buy a new joystick cable that has more wires then a T2 has??If I
% use my T2's cable,then its a maximum of four cables.Also,does anyone know of
% where I could an electrical diagram of the gameport pins?? Thanks in advance
% if you can help me with this one. Dan
You should be able to pick up a joystick extention "cable" at most
computer *** shops. This should have all of the wires in it. For
the pin layout you should find all the info you need at Wally'sWorld of
Driving Simulators <http://www.racesimcentral.net/~wottenad/wheel.htm>. For the
section on the pin assignments
Good luck and have fun!
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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