If your main objective is to run GPL, you'd best go with a V2 card *right
now*, unless you plan on doing all your driving from the outside view. If
the mirror rendering problem gets fixed, then the TNT should be the equal of
V2, at least. But don't count your drivers before they're hatched. I have
the V550, and think it looks a little better than my V2 as far as GPL is
concerned, but still use the V2 because of the mirror/framerate/in-car-view
problem. I wouldn't think there'd be much difference between the Diamond
and CL flavors of the TNT.
Jerry Morelock
>I'm thinking about replacing the Voodoo 1 with a TNT card.
>Will there be any better GPL performance on PI 266 system?
>Which is to prefer of CL and Diamond V550?
>Hans-Otto Lund
>Homepage : http://home.c2i.net/hanlund
>9th in 97/98 LFRS Drivers Championship