Bought GP4 . . . Ummm . . . Help?

Wayne Stell

Bought GP4 . . . Ummm . . . Help?

by Wayne Stell » Mon, 11 Nov 2002 08:04:07

OK, I'll admit it.  Curiousity did something to the cat, didn't it.  Yes, I
went out and bought the darn thing, even after reading many of your
comments.  Well you know, some of you liked it, some of you hated it, some
of you haven't tried it.  I must admit, the videos got me.  Well, I WOULD
try it if I could even get to the track with my controller working.  Out of
the box, loaded up for the first time, menu selections flickering all over
the place, like there is a strobe light attached to the menu selection.  If
you happen to click the mouse button when the light is on, then you get the
selection.  As for the controller, I have a Logitech Wingman Formula Force
wheel, and can't get the darn game to even recognize all of the inputs
(takes wheel input during calibration and controller selection, but no
throttle or brake.  Once in the pit, nothing).  I have been able to drive a
little with the keyboard, but the game seems to have reset the difficulty
level from pro to something that provides assists.  I also keep getting
intermittent crashing to the desktop, and I'm not even driving yet.  Boy, if
this is it, I don't know what got into to the talented Mr. Crammond.  I know
he and his team could do better than this.  I'll keep faith alive though, I
need to give it a chance.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

My system information.

ABS Ti4600
Operating System:  Windows XP Home Edition
AMD Athlon XP 2100 with QuantiSpeed
NVIDIA GeForce 4 Ti4600 Video Card
MB:  Asus A7V333 KT333

Not running FSAA or Texturing

Is there a troubleshooting website for this game?  I see there are many
patches, but if I can't even get this thing running in "generic" mode, not
much hope of patching.

Thanks in advance,



Bought GP4 . . . Ummm . . . Help?

by Cong » Mon, 11 Nov 2002 11:32:27

I know its your money, but supporting companies that put out unfinished
garbage like that won't help things.

Bart Westr

Bought GP4 . . . Ummm . . . Help?

by Bart Westr » Mon, 11 Nov 2002 16:34:47

First with your wheel set to _combined_ axis, go to GP4 Workshop -
Utilities - Menu setup and check Disable joystick in menus. Then quit GP4
and set your wheel to split axis. Then start GP4 again, go to controller
setup advanced,  first click choose control method to make a new entry, then
select accelerate/brake. Then choose the accelerator axis and click the
controller you need, probably Controller A, even if it is already selected.
You will then get a screen showing all axis. Depress your pedal to see which
one reacts and click the button in front of it. Repeat for the brakes. Maybe
you also need to do it for the steering. With all this in place, choose
calibrate and that should be it. This worked for my Momo, not sure it will
for the LWFF.

Occasionally the strobe effect may return, for example after using Alt Tab
sometimes. Depress your throttle half way to stop it. Then it will stay away
after you click a menu entry.

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