> I'm somewhat knowledgable about computers, but very ignorant of what
> is the "cutting edge." I basically want a computer that is great for
> *** (mostly I use racing simulators) and for programming games. I
> think I'll probably go with something in the Micron/Dell/Gateway2k
> general lines. General specs I'm envisioning are: P300 (I take it the
> Pentium2MMX is the way to go?) with some marvelous motherboard (any
> suggestions??), 64 meg ram (what kind??), some form of 3d/2d board
> (what kind??), lots of disk space (what's the best deal now?), good
> soundcard (what kind?), good modem...
> Which of those companies is presently most on the mark in your
> knowledge and opinion? I've worked a lot with Gateway2ks- which have
> been great except for some oddly proprietary hardware (odd video cards
> and odd sound cards, for example).
> Thanks! Please post here...
If you're interested in having a system built (the only way to go in my
opinion), try here: http://www.racesimcentral.net/
This is pretty much the definitive hardware page with everything from
specs on CPU's to mobo's to video cards. You could build a shopping
list from the web page and build a really fast (and over-clockable)
You might also want to check out the current issue of Computer ***
World, as it has a feature on hot *** platforms including Dell,
Gateway, and Micron...but my personal favorite was the Falcon
Northwest...for $8500 US!!!! I think this one might run CPR at a
decent framerate.. :)
Neil Yeatman
Ajax, Ontario, CANADA