We need to test a bare-bones system, so remove the Modem card and any
other card except for the video card.
The CPU Fan might cause a problem if it is shorting out with something
WITHOUT THE CPU FAN ** You could try starting it for 30 seconds, but
once the BIOS screen for the video card shows -- turn off the computer
and check out shorts the fan might cause.
Motherboards will act like they aren't getting power when it's something
like - miss seated RAM ;) Try moving the RAM into a different slot or
just "resetting" it by taking it out and putting it back in.
Sometimes it's good to have spare parts to swap out so you can pin-point
the problem. Do you have a local computer shop (not Future shop ;) that
sells and configures computers that you can take it too. In 30mins
they'll have the problem***ed.
> it didn't work. the only connections we have are the Power Supply to the
> motherboard and front panel to the motherboard. For the front panel there is
> H.D.D. LED, Power LED, speaker, power switch, and reset. As far as I can
> tell they are all plugged in correct. I took out the sound card. I have a
> modem in a PCI slot just like the sound card was. Could my CPU fan be
> causing the problem? What next?
> Thank you,
> jcchase
> > You only need the motherboard, CPU, RAM and a video card to boot a
> > computer.
> > Try:
> > 0. Unplug the computer from the wall.
> > 1. Disconnect the IDE and Floppy cables from the motherboard.
> > 2. Remove the sound card (for now).
> > 3. Verify the power supply is plugged into the motherboard. There's
> > usually only 1 way these connectors will fit, so I won't go into more
> > detail.
> > 4. Verify the power button is plugged into the proper pins on the
> > motherboard. See MB manual.
> > 5. Verify the CPU jumpers for bus rate and clock multiplier.
> > 6. Plug the computer power into the wall and connect the other end to
> > the computer :)
> > 7. Turn on the power supply switch -- its on the back of the power
> > supply.
> > 8. Turn on the computer with the front switch.
> > Well, did it work? :)
> > If it did, you can add the soundcard and other stuff back one at a time
> > to make sure it doesn't die again.
> > Jason.
> > > I built a new system and I can't get it to fire up. I've checked all
> the
> > > connections and they all look right. But it still won't start up. it
> is
> > > like there is no power going to the computer. Here are the specs:
> > > KD266 motherboard
> > > 1.2 GHz Processor AMD Athlon
> > > 256 MB RAM PC133
> > > 350 Watt Power Supply
> > > Volcano 6cu+ CPU fan
> > > that's pretty much it other than the 4.3 GB hard drive, 1.44 Floppy
> drive,
> > > 56X CD-Rom Drive, 32 MB video card, and 3D sound card.
> > > Any help would be appreciated.
> > > Thank you,
> > > jcchase
Jason Monds
http://www.racesimcentral.net/ - Pro Racing Club! (GPL)
http://www.racesimcentral.net/ - Stock Car Division of the PRC. (N4, Fun Run Sims)
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