cheapest place to get GPL??


cheapest place to get GPL??

by c » Sat, 06 Nov 1999 04:00:00

does anyone know the cheapest place to get gpl? (online)
I'm in Western Canada if that makes any difference.



Bertram Hoenigman

cheapest place to get GPL??

by Bertram Hoenigman » Sat, 06 Nov 1999 04:00:00

I know that you're looking for an online price, but in case anyone is
interested, I've seen at as cheap as $10US at local computer shows.
That's for the full retail version (boxed).

> does anyone know the cheapest place to get gpl? (online)
> I'm in Western Canada if that makes any difference.

> Thanx,

> Speedracer


cheapest place to get GPL??

by c » Sat, 06 Nov 1999 04:00:00

thanx just placed my order!


> >does anyone know the cheapest place to get gpl? (online)
> >I'm in Western Canada if that makes any difference.


> I just picked it up from The Dragon's Den for $23.95 Canadian.
> No box, just two books and the CD shrink wrapped together.

> Don McCorkle


cheapest place to get GPL??

by Woodie » Sun, 07 Nov 1999 04:00:00

>does anyone know the cheapest place to get gpl? (online)
>I'm in Western Canada if that makes any difference.

I just picked it up from The Dragon's Den for $23.95 Canadian.
No box, just two books and the CD shrink wrapped together.

Don McCorkle


cheapest place to get GPL??

by CHRIS SINNOT » Wed, 10 Nov 1999 04:00:00

check out  
24 bucks CAN$$$$.
ur welcome

> does anyone know the cheapest place to get gpl? (online)
> I'm in Western Canada if that makes any difference.

> Thanx,

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