GPL - technical question

Jochen Heisterman

GPL - technical question

by Jochen Heisterman » Sun, 06 Feb 2000 04:00:00

I play GPL for more than 15 months now. Some days ago the game
refused to start! Since then I cannot run it anymore. I installed some
new drivers for my TNT card, installed the old drivers later on, but no
chance. my system is:
P2-400, 128 MB RAM, Viper 550 (TNT1) ....
I play with the latest opengl patch and the 1.2 patch for GPL.

When starting the game the first screen appears and the game hangs

When I try to reinstall the game the installation quits with an error about
active movie. Amovie cannot be installed, I tried it directly from the CD.
computer tells me I have a newer version of active movie.

1) Helpme!
2) Tell me how to deinstall active movie!


Thomas Kellenstin

GPL - technical question

by Thomas Kellenstin » Sun, 06 Feb 2000 04:00:00

go to "find"
type in Active Movie
lookn for an activemovie.exe file
delete it
it may take several trys on the find with various spellings
good luck

Rafe McAulif

GPL - technical question

by Rafe McAulif » Sun, 06 Feb 2000 04:00:00

When I recently reinstalled gpl, it mentioned that I have a newer
version and it won't try to install it. I don't think this is your
problem though. I changed to different drivers (3dfx reference
drivers) and all games would work except gpl. Wouldn't even start.
Changed back to the old drivers, and no problem. Try the old drivers
again, often the older ones are faster anyway (as long as they work!!)

Rafe Mc

On Sat, 05 Feb 2000 13:28:13 GMT, "Thomas Kellenstine"

>go to "find"
>type in Active Movie
>lookn for an activemovie.exe file
>delete it
>it may take several trys on the find with various spellings
>good luck

>> I play GPL for more than 15 months now. Some days ago the game
>> refused to start! Since then I cannot run it anymore. I installed some
>> new drivers for my TNT card, installed the old drivers later on, but no
>> chance. my system is:
>> P2-400, 128 MB RAM, Viper 550 (TNT1) ....
>> I play with the latest opengl patch and the 1.2 patch for GPL.

>> When starting the game the first screen appears and the game hangs
>> up.

>> When I try to reinstall the game the installation quits with an error
>> active movie. Amovie cannot be installed, I tried it directly from the CD.
>> The
>> computer tells me I have a newer version of active movie.

>> 1) Helpme!
>> 2) Tell me how to deinstall active movie!

>> Jochen


GPL - technical question

by bph.. » Sun, 06 Feb 2000 04:00:00

You should be able to just ignore the activ movie error.  Try going to
the gpl app.ini and changing lastrasterizer.dll value to softdll.dll
and then starting gpl.

> go to "find"
> type in Active Movie
> lookn for an activemovie.exe file
> delete it
> it may take several trys on the find with various spellings
> good luck

> > I play GPL for more than 15 months now. Some days ago the game
> > refused to start! Since then I cannot run it anymore. I installed
> > new drivers for my TNT card, installed the old drivers later on,
but no
> > chance. my system is:
> > P2-400, 128 MB RAM, Viper 550 (TNT1) ....
> > I play with the latest opengl patch and the 1.2 patch for GPL.

> > When starting the game the first screen appears and the game hangs
> > up.

> > When I try to reinstall the game the installation quits with an
> about
> > active movie. Amovie cannot be installed, I tried it directly from
the CD.
> > The
> > computer tells me I have a newer version of active movie.

> > 1) Helpme!
> > 2) Tell me how to deinstall active movie!

> > Jochen

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Before you buy.
Jochen Heisterman

GPL - technical question

by Jochen Heisterman » Mon, 07 Feb 2000 04:00:00

I changed back to the old drivers, nothing ...
I tried to change that dll stuff, but that could not be the problem anyway,
because the game hangs up after the very first screen. The game does
not load, only the first screen and than hangup.

Its two games that do not work on my machine, GPL (since one week, after
70+ weeks without problem) and Gabriel Knight 3, both from Sierra.

If someone can help, I do not know what to do anymore.

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