Here's an utterly stupid and unqualified comment from yours truly:
Insane is better and I haven't even tried Screamer.
Insane has terrific physics modelling and its presentation as a game
is very entertaining. You have to unlock "tracks" and vehicles, but
it is not hard to do. Exploring around the vast environment and
creating your own challenges (I wonder if I can get up/through
*there*...) is worth hours of zen-style entertainment all by itself,
if you enjoy true off-road style fun.
Sounds like a good game, very much my style of off roader.
Thanks for the info.
> >>>Which game is better overall and most fun?
> >>>Which game has the better Physics model?
> >>>It seems that modeling Offroad Physics is quite a bit more difficult
> >>>than model on-road physics, I guess given the extreme number of
> >>Here's an utterly stupid and unqualified comment from yours truly:
> >>Insane is better and I haven't even tried Screamer.
> >>Insane has terrific physics modelling and its presentation as a game
> >>is very entertaining. You have to unlock "tracks" and vehicles, but
> >>it is not hard to do. Exploring around the vast environment and
> >>creating your own challenges (I wonder if I can get up/through
> >>*there*...) is worth hours of zen-style entertainment all by itself,
> >>if you enjoy true off-road style fun.
> >Sounds like a good game, very much my style of off roader.
> >Thanks for the info.
> Get the Insane demo at
> You'll be pleasantly surprised!