Yes, you are correct, sir. The graphics are actually somewhat reminiscent
of NFS1 in a way. You get your choice of any car as long as it's a red 57
Chevy hot rod and your choice of any track as long as it's a semi-divided
curvy multilane parkway type thing. You get to cruise along collecting
something that floats in the air and looks like a neon croissant, going over
a few jumps and taking an optional detour or two along the way, until you
eventually crash into your house, provided you do not run afoul of the
No other vehicles, physics are not actually all that bad considering what it
is (understeer is terrible). I have certainly played games that claimed to
have realistic physics that sucked more. 4 views, a 'cockpit' view, two F10
views and a bumper cam. The sound is pretty throaty, though kind of
industrial sounding.
Probably good for a 2 minute driving sim fix at work during your coffee
break. Beats solitaire.
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