Well this weekend I gave it a try to load cracked ver of GP2....
Sorry guys for my English...it's not my native language...
I got it from a site of the internet...it was 21 disks....
when I installed it it was about 50MB.....(no multimedia stuff of
course)...after installation I tried to setup my soundblaster 16 but
lo luck...actually I tired also original soundblaster...no luck...
ok forget the sound....typed gp in gp2 directory to load up the
game....first it brings up two windows to type in passowrd ..also I
needed a blank disk to put some cracked files because when the game
loads itself it looks for these files on the floppy...wooow the main
screen looks nice....nice SVGA screen with clean interface(there
are always backgroung images in SVGA format )....the
interface is almost exactly the same as the original GP screen
interface...but of course a lot more is changed and added...there is
even the screen where it asks you if you want to play a quick race or
want to go to main screen...the way the buttons looks like are exactly
the same as in GP Manager you get the picture...So I went to check or
select the car and river ....hmmm couldn't find an entry to change
drivers name...but not to worry these names are stored in a text file
so I guess when the game comes out a week after someone will have an
editor....then I went to configure the car setup...the same as the
pictures we all have seen...general setup...advanced...and more
advanced...well I configured my car and selected testing option from
the main menu and selected Brazil....it goes to a screen like in ori-
ginal GP where it shows info about the track...and some records info..
clicked ok....and I get message please wait message...ok so I wait..
one minute....two minutes....nothing....I'm not suprised...I tried
it several times..I chose different cars or tracks...no help...I think
that this is the beta version probably from march or may....not
before because...in option setup for graphics there are buttons
for selecting SVGA options....What I also tried was to run the
cube3d.exe (or something like that ..that is the executable file which
is 5MB big) with /? and I got all kinds of command-line options...about
environment stuff...system....and debug info....I believe that someone
can actually play this crackd ver....but from 5000 people who will
try this ...only let say 5 will actually play it...why ?...Because
I had strong feelings that a lot of system environment settings
like motherboard or graphics car..or sound card are hardcoded into
the executable and I also think some HD info...which is very clever
so that even if this ver will get to public only a very tiny small
group of people or individials can actually play it....because of the
system configuration.
I chcecked the directory tree and saw that in data directory
there were another sub directories each with different circuits names
and also each car had its own binary file...which I think is great
because someone can write paint editor or even 3d editor to change
car design...also there are all kinds of configuration files...like
for a race car...for a test car(each with different extension)...or for
log files or environmnet interface or movies..which you can save to
a file....and play later on...GREAT....or HELL there were a lot of them
which I don't even remember...I didn't fool around too much because
of the virus hell I think already have it...so I will I guess pay for
my actions...don't get me wrong...even If I made it to work...I would
still buy the original..because of the manuals...and Geoff...and
because I watch F1 racing since I was a kid so I collect all the stuff
there is in the world about F1....and hell who wants to install the
game these days from floppies and without animations or some neat
history info....
Conclusion ?....Well I was very satisfied ...even if I didn't play it...
it is for sure worth to wait for a bug free version....I could write
more about what I have seen ...but I'm not going to type it for two