% Hey guys....
% a couple of questions......
% 1) My joystick in NASCAR 2 is awfully jerky...What can I do to fix this
% ?
It's hard to tell what exactly might be the problem. It could be the
car setup. Try moving the rear weight bias forward or reducing the
steering lock.
% 2) How good is Grand Prix....how hard are the road courses on it(Not
% exactly the best road course driver in the world) and if I do get it
% should I get the Track Pack too from Instant Access
Grand Prix II is about to be withdrawn from the shelves (FIA license
expiring?). It is a quality sim. It's different than Papyrus's
approach (some like it better other don't). It's worth the purchase if
you are a sim junkie (and it sounds like you are <g>). You might want
to hold off getting the Track Pack until you decide on whether you like
the sim. There are plenty of tracks to master and alot of car setup
options to master also.
% 3) I bought ICR II...I had it for my mac, and the dos version came on
% it....I installed it but the graphics look bad....Doesnt look like its
% in the right graphic mode Very Choppy....What can I do to fix this
Are you running it in DOS mode only? Both N2 and ICR2 run best in a
pure DOS environment. The Windows version of ICR2 didn't cut the
mustard. Install and run the DOS version.
% As always guys thanks for all the help....You guys bought me a great
% computer with your advice.....Help me out here if ya can
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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