>I mostly drive the Eagle and BRM and can get
>both around at 140 in CG with my joystick. Wheel and pedals i cant get
>120 or the car slams the armco. I did once get around it faster but i had
>slow to 115 and bring it back up to 140. The hot lappers can do it so what
>i doing wrong. Must be something. Any advice (other than practice and
>re-calibrate cause i am doing/did these) would be greatly appreciated.
also, not in GPL (had the wheel already when I got it) but in VR and
others. What I think is the case is that you tend to turn in earlier and
more gradually with a wheel than a joystick, causing yourself to hit the
apex too early, which would account for the need to slow as you exit the
corner. You can compensate by waiting a little longer than you think you
should to start your turn in and turning a little faster. Depending on your
joystick, whether or not it had a separate throttle, turning with your
joystick can lay off the throttle a little bit right when you start turning,
which sort of naturally keeps your speed up until the turn-in.
Or something like that,
"religion is remedial spirituality"
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