General Petraeus Says The War Is A "Lost Cause"
SEN. HARRY REID (D-NV): Gen. Petraeus "Told" Our Troops That "They're
Fighting For A Lost Cause." CNN BASH: "Is there something to that, an 18-
and 19-year-old person in the service in Iraq who is serving, risking their
lives, in some cases losing their life, hearing somebody like you back in
Washington saying that they're fighting for a lost cause?" REID: "General
Petraeus has told them that." BASH: "How has he said that?" REID: "He said
the war can't be won militarily. He said that. I mean he said it. He's the
commander on the ground there." (CNN's "The Situation Room," 04/23/07)
General Petraeus Sees "Positive" Signs in Iraq
GEN. DAVID PETRAEUS: "While It Is Too Early To Judge The Success Of The
Surge And The Emphasis On Population Security In Iraq, We Have Seen Some
Positive Results - Though The Enemy Has Certainly Sought To Overshadow Our
Achievements By Carrying Out Sensational Attacks." ". Your visible presence
alongside Iraqi soldiers and police has begun to restore a sense of normalcy
to many areas that have seen little other than *** over the past year.
Your hard work ahs also led to the uncovering of sizable weapons caches, the
detentions of a number of death squad and car bomb network members, the
bringing to justice of a number of militia extremists, a decrease in the
number of sectarian killings, and a renewal of commerce in many markets and
neighborhoods." (Gen. David Petraeus, Letter To Soldiers Serving In
Multi-National Force-Iraq, 04/14/07)
MYTH #2:
General Petraeus Does Not Know What Is Happening In Iraq
SEN. HARRY REID (D-NV): "I Don't Believe Him." Q: ".General Petraeus is
going to come to the Hill and make it clear to you that there is progress
going on in Iraq, that the so-called surge is working. Will you believe him
when he says that?" SEN. REID (D-NV): "No, I don't believe him, because it's
not happening. All you have to do is look at the facts." (CNN's "The
Situation Room," 04/23/07)
David H. Petraeus:
Four-Star General, Commander, Multinational Forces-Iraq
Harry Reid:
Senator Who Doesn't Listen To Commanders of Military Forces
MYTH #3:
General Petraeus Says There Is No Military Solution
SEN. HARRY REID (D-NV): ".There Is No Military Solution In Iraq. General
Petraeus, The Commander On The Ground, Has Said So Himself." (Sen. Reid,
"Reid: As Situation In Iraq Worsens, America Can And Must Change Course,"
Press Release, 04/22/07)
General Petraeus Believes "Improv[ing] The Security" With "Additional
Forces" Is Necessary To Achieve A Political Solution
GEN. DAVID PETRAEUS: "I want to assure you that Lieutenant General Odierno
and I would not have asked to maintain the surge force levels in Iraq - a
request that led to your tour extensions - if we did not view the additional
forces as being absolutely necessary to our ability to accomplish our
mission. That mission - to help Iraq improve the security for its
population - is intended to provide Iraqi leaders with an opportunity to
begin to tackle the crucial issues that must be resolved to achieve a
sustainable outcome in Iraq." (Gen. David Petraeus, Letter To Soldiers
Serving In Multi-National Force-Iraq, 4/14/07)
MYTH #4:
General Petraeus Does Not Support the Surge
SEN. HARRY REID (D-NV): "Those We Trust The Most Do Not Believe Escalation
Is The Right Way Forward. America's Generals Don't Support This." (Sen.
Reid, Congressional Record, S. 2507, 02/5/07)
General Petraeus Testified In His Confirmation Hearing That 'The Additional
Forces' For The Surge Were 'Essential'
GEN. DAVID PETRAEUS: "The additional forces that have been directed to move
to Iraq will be essential." (Gen. Petraeus, Armed Services Committee, U.S.
Senate, Hearing, 01/23/07)
MYTH #5:
General Petraeus Does Not Need Immediate Funding
SEN. HARRY REID (D-NV): The President's "Own Generals Have Said [Funding]
Will Last Until The End Of June." (Sen. Reid, Press Conference, 04/3/07)
The Army Chief Of Staff Stated 'Draconian Measures' Will Begin Without Funds
In April
ARMY CHIEF OF STAFF GEN. PETER J. SCHOOMAKER: "We are particularly concerned
as Congress is set to recess until mid-April without enacting this essential
legislation. Without approval of the supplemental funds in April, we will be
forced to take increasingly draconian measures which will impact Army
readiness and impose hardships on our soldiers and their families." (Gen.
Peter J. Schoomaker, Letter To Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell,