How reliable are wheels ?

: )

How reliable are wheels ?

by : ) » Sun, 06 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Hi all,

I am thinking of changing from my MS Sidewinder 3d Pro joystick to a wheel
pedal set. I am pretty concerned about how reliable they are. How long do
they last ?, and what would be some of the more popular models/brands ?. Is
force feedback a novelty or a usefull option ?.

All help would be greatly appreciated.


Please remove all capital letters to reply.

John Bod

How reliable are wheels ?

by John Bod » Sun, 06 Sep 1998 04:00:00

For a look at how the Thrustmaster NASCAR Pro wheel and the Thomas
Enterprises TSW2 compare, check out the following link:

The Thrustmaster products have always been good in terms of
reliability, and they are a good choice if you're on a budget.  The
TSW2 wheel is as solid as a tank (quite literally), but it costs more
than the Thrustmaster wheels.  The TSW2 does offer a lifetime warranty
on all mechanical assemblies (which does not include the
potentiometers, which are electrical assemblies), so reliability is
basically not a concern if you decide to invest in a TSW2.  

I don't have any experience with some of the other wheels on the
market (i.e., the CH driving set, the new ACT labs wheels, etc.), but
my impression is that they just don't seem as durable and well-built
as either the Thrustmaster or Thomas Enterprises products.  Keep in
mind that this is just my impression, though -- others may have more
experience with these products.

-- John Bodin
   Publisher, The IRL Insider Magazine On-Line

>Hi all,
>I am thinking of changing from my MS Sidewinder 3d Pro joystick to a wheel
>pedal set. I am pretty concerned about how reliable they are. How long do
>they last ?, and what would be some of the more popular models/brands ?. Is
>force feedback a novelty or a usefull option ?.
>All help would be greatly appreciated.

>Please remove all capital letters to reply.

Ed Medli

How reliable are wheels ?

by Ed Medli » Mon, 07 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Strongly recommend the Nascar Pro Wheel from TM. It has held up well, and
the service from them has been great. I had to replace two springs, and the
newer ones have held up great. My bungie cord felt as if it were getting
weak, and I emailed them about it and received a replacement within the
week. I haven't replaced it yet, but it is here if I need to. The price is
right, and with their service I will stay with their products. There are
many other wheel-pedal systems out there, some cheaper, and some very
expensive. I chose to stay with a known commodity as the Thrustmaster

Regards, Ed Medlin
Columnist, Software Critics Unlimited

>Hi all,

>I am thinking of changing from my MS Sidewinder 3d Pro joystick to a wheel
>pedal set. I am pretty concerned about how reliable they are. How long do
>they last ?, and what would be some of the more popular models/brands ?. Is
>force feedback a novelty or a usefull option ?.

>All help would be greatly appreciated.


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