Ya, rebates are like a message in a bottle... you send them off and
some day you might run into it again while walking along the beach.
Brian Oster
>Media rebates are the WORST!
>I've probably sent in 50 of them over the years, and I think less than half
>of that ever came back. But, the amound is so small, it's not worth
>fighting over. They know that. Bastards...
>I recently purchased six 50-pack's of Fuji CDR's for $4.99 after rebate. I
>sent in all six on the same day, each in an individual envelope.
>I've seen TWO come back.
>> "Codex"
>> > Where I live it's not only how they should be, but it is the law. I
>> > beleive they have 60 days to legally furnish you with a rebate.
>> Early this year I got rebates for N2k2, my Nvidia video card by
>> visiontek and some blank cd's. The Sierra rebate showed up first, then I
>> got a letter saying I waited a day or two too long to mail in the cd
>> rebate..and just about late June the Visiontek rebate showed up.
>> I'd almost forgotten about that one it took so long.
>> dave henrie