Since that loop has been put in, it has been used by every series. The
guardrail that's in the NASCAR Sim is not there in real life. The old
strait is still open and paved.
What they did was to pave part of the infield x feet wide and left what
we call the duck pond to separate the old strait and the inner loop. A
grassy area. The innerloop was placed there to slow the cars down entering
the outer loop/chute turn by moving the brake point further back on the
track. I mentioned it in a previous post (I think to this NG) that doing
something to slow the cars down was being thought of for many years. It
wasn't till someone lost their brakes entering the outer loop and slamming
nose first at 200mph and dieing that the innerloop was no longer put off.
They started construction shortly after the same year.
**side note** unofficial fastest speed down the back strait was 244
mph. officially it was (if I remember right) 234 mph by a GTP car. I don't
remember specifically who made the records.
What the GTP cars used to do is to lift and blip the brake and back on
the gas in just under a second just to upset the car enough to turn in to
the outer loop. The slower SCCA cars (Ep, Fp, Gp, Hp,) used to do the same
but slow enough to down shift one gear. I heard stories that some of them
wouldn't downshift but where still slowed quite a bit. But then again, in
the seventies/eighties the slower SCCA cars didn't have anything but a front
air dam for down force where as the GTP of the mid eighties were one big
down force package with a big engine.
I wish the NASCAR Sims from Papy opened up that inner loop area *and*
added the boot section of the track :(