I posted the original message last night.. but was so e***d about getting
it up on my page, that I didn't really go into any details..
Here's a suggestion for it's use: I can see "The Grandstand" as being a
good place to act as a designated meeting area" for scheduled online games.
ie: If you're planning to host a race at a designated time (say 6pm GMT),
you could post a message on R.A.S. or on a GPL message board saying "race
at 6pm(GMT).. pre-race chat at 5:45pm. Meet at the Grandstand before the
This way, you can gather extra players (and there's too many racers
for one race, then someone else can host another one!). You can also then
discuss the race setups, tips, answer any questions you may have, get IP
addresses, etc, without the need for ICQ, etc.
If you're looking to join a race, or host one, just log in to the
chat, and wait around. Open a new browser window (Cntrl+N) and keep on
surfing, whilst still connected to the chat. When a new user joins, you will
hear an AUDIO ALERT that there is a new user in the room. (And if you join,
and nobody appears to be answering you messages, you can "beep" them to get
their attention!!)
Give it a shot.. and if there's nobody there... do like I suggested above..
open a new window and keep browsing the web until you hear the audio alert.
Who knows... I might even drop in!! (oh...no!)
For the GPL demo track files(Watkins Glen AND Monza), FAQs,demo help,
release date updates, and more! new:
"The Grandstand" - GPL Meeting Place for Chat & Online Races
** GPL System Performace Test **
Poll-of-the-Week: What's makes GPL so great?