Yeah, I got a great setup for F3 Imola, it is great, it gets to about
90MPH on the strait. I think everyone in the League should use it,
yeah that's it. . . :-)
>Hmmm, maybe I'll try that, take one of Ron's setups and just copy in the gear
>set from the Imola defaults. I had a look at his setups for Monza, Mosport and
>the O-ring and they are fairly close with just a few small changes in tire
>pressures and camber (and of course gearing). Hopefully the camber settings
>will be ok as I won't have chance to do much tweaking in a 15 minute practice
>> I think it was you who sent a message to me on this subject(?) any
>> case, The default setups that come with the original tracks work good. I
>> can only assume the default setup that comes with Imola is the same that
>> comes with the rest of Dave's tracks. If so, It's not the best *for me* but
>> will work. I know you seen my response earlier on the subject... A setup
>> that feels good to you at another track will work for you at Imola with
>> minimal tweaking.
>> >I haven't had chance to practice at Imola for an upcoming F3 race on
>> >Thursday. Is the default lotus setup any good? If not can you send me
>> >something better? I'm not looking for a hotlap setup, rather something
>> >stable that the average driver can use. I've been using Ron Ayton's
>> >setups for the other tracks and they seem to work well for me.
>> >Thanks
>> >Ken
(All spelling errors are intentional and are there to show new
and improved ways of spelling old words. Grammatical errors are
due to too many English classes/teachers)