First of all I would like to apologise to everyone for the rudeness in
which some of the posts that I've made lately had brought about.
I will not however apologise for the position I took on the AI matter.
Although it may not have seemed it I did respect every word every one
responded back with. This also includes you as well Tom J. Mak.
Matt Marsala finally replied back on the matter and his answer has
satisfied me that there will not be a fix so I see no need for further
negative posts. Although he never actually said it I took it as
implied. Anyway back to the matter at hand I hope that everyone can
understand and at least respect my position. I was under the
impression that Nascar2 was Nascar1 Enhanced with graphics
spotter and better AI. The first two were there but the third falls
very short of Nascar1. Please accept my apology for being rude but
please respect the position that a few of us have taken. This is my
final post on the AI matter and I thank you for taking the time to
read it.
Thanks again,
R. Gregg Barnett aka Skarekrow