Bryon Poll summary

Peter Burk

Bryon Poll summary

by Peter Burk » Fri, 26 May 1995 04:00:00

Since Mr. L is back with more meaningless posts to this
forum, I feel it's time to post what has been sent to me
regarding the survey I posted a week ago:

I got responses from:

this isn't half the net, but definitely more people that will put
their name below BL's survey...

Most checked a few of the options I gave - but some added
a few nice ones such as:

Yeah, I saw this in the newsgroup.  As for my comments;

 (x) is trying to compensate for his shriveled ***
 (x) created a train sim that is equaled in complexity only by PacMan
 (x) has been locked in his bedroom for, oh, I think it's 4 years now
 (x) still trying to train his housecat to find his "mouse"

the more common response looked like this one:


| Byron L is
| (check any that apply)
| ( ) somebody whose net access should be reconsidered by
| ( ) an undergrad with no clue but a net accout
| (X) looking for attention in the wrong crowd
| ( ) a rejected hotshot sim driver that faces sim series
|     director boycott (because he's so damn good!)
| (X) a rejected rookie sim driver that faces sim series
|     director boycott (because he's so annoying!)    
| ( ) too stupid to distinguish between any of the existing
|     online racing series
| ( ) expert in copyright laws regarding use of trademarks
|     on pixelpainted virtual race cars
| ( ) a total retard
| ( ) a misunderstood genius
| ( ) racing sim's messiah, who will bring us the mother of all
|     driving sims - not just some hybrid ***like ICR
| ( ) somebody who can't spell
| ( ) a major pain in the derriere wasting  our bandwidth and
|     time
| ( ) late for work at BurgerWorld (hmmm, curly fries...)
| ( ) busy hacking code on his ICR track editor and engine
|     add-on module (with proper sound and subwoofer support)
| (X) going to be pissed at me forever ;-)
| Again - mail to me and totals will be posted here next week.

I think you guys are doing a pretty good job at showing us his ignorance.
Keep it up.

and things got boiled down to the significant points:

Ha-ha, this is hilarious - this idiot has taken more than one uncalled-for
swipe at me so far, so I'll cast my vote:

I think this one sums it up best:

more standard replies:

(x) somebody whose net access should be reconsidered by
(x) an undergrad with no clue but a net accout
(x) looking for attention in the wrong crowd
( ) a rejected hotshot sim driver that faces sim series
    director boycott (because he's so damn good!)
(x) a rejected rookie sim driver that faces sim series
    director boycott (because he's so annoying!)    
(x) too stupid to distinguish between any of the existing
    online racing series
( ) expert in copyright laws regarding use of trademarks
    on pixelpainted virtual race cars
(x) a total retard
( ) a misunderstood genius
( ) racing sim's messiah, who will bring us the mother of all
    driving sims - not just some hybrid ***like ICR
(x) somebody who can't spell
( ) a major pain in the derriere wasting  our bandwidth and
(x) late for work at BurgerWorld (hmmm, curly fries...)
( ) busy hacking code on his ICR track editor and engine
    add-on module (with proper sound and subwoofer support)
( ) going to be pissed at me forever ;-)

And for some more opinions....

(x) doesn't know when to stop until he finds himself
    dismembered and crapped on...and even then only maybe...
(x) is the kind of guy who likes to push buttons on all sorts
    of gadgets to see which one makes the most noise...
(x) annoys the living shit out of anyone and everyone
(x) should dig a hole, hop in it, and have us dump a 100 ton
    pile of cow-dung ontop...
(x) a royal party-pooper....

Oh btw Byron, good luck in the virtual racing world! ;)

P.S: Your sig says a lot by itself...

and yet another one:

- Show quoted text -

Sorry Peter, but I couldn't resist.     DAVE........


A MAJOR ***er whatever side of the Atlantic you reside on. I vote for
'all of the above'


summary: well - BL ain't a misunderstood genius...

By the way - IICC2 is about to start in a few weeks - The $10 question
of the day is:  Will BL figure out how to register? is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.