I've been putting alot of time into GPL lately and I've hit a wall. My
quickest time at Monza is a 1:35 and I run 3:50's at Spa and 1:40's at
Zandy. I've had a hard time getting faster then that (despite watching
practice hotlappers w/ in car view). I realize that I'm way off the pace but
I finished 3rd (Four laps down) in a 27 lap race at Zandy (10-12 car
field....don't quite remember). During that race I was involved in one
incident and spun twice. I'm fairly smooth, but slow.
Now a comment/observation based upon my experience that I would like to get
everyone's opinion on:
There are alot of fast racers, but few good drivers. Don't get me wrong;
I'm neither. But it gets old when I get re-ended and then I'm told that I
have to drive faster. A) I have as much right to be on the track as anyone
in a non-password protected race. B) I get out of the way when I can, but I
can't move over easily in a high speed corner or the middle of the Masta
kink. Don't drivers look for a good place to pass, or do they just try to
run hotlaps OVER everyone? What is the point of being fast if you can't make
ANY adjustments to track conditions?
The availability of Shift-R makes this worse, as well as the fact that the
often short length of VROC races don't reward consistant drivers. I agree
that both have their place and Shift-R makes online racing 'practical', but
I think people use it as a crutch. Not sure that cold tires and a full tank
are that much of a penalty.
I lack talent and have to drive 'smart'. I just wish that some of the other
drivers would combine their talents with some sense. I'll try to get
faster if they'll try to watch out for me. :)
That is all, please be gentle with the flames, I burn easily.
Andrew M on VROC