:>Hello all,
:>I just wanted to know what types of wheel controllers there were out there. I
:>have read about the T1. Are there any others? Do any give feedback through
:>the wheel? What about shifting, by buttons, stick, keyboard? I have the
:>major 3 (NASCAR, INDY and F1). What about controller card? I have a
:>soundblaster 16 (so, it's old. it still works). Thrustmaster suggested their
:>card (imagine that ) on the web page with the T1. I'm just looking for some
:>information. $180 is quite a bit of money for a controller that I haven't
:>even used.
Hi I have a T1 and it works awesome! I use it with Nascar and it works great.
Another game that it works VERY well with a U.K game called SuperKarts it's
a go kart racing game. Very fun. It supports the T1 also. There is another
one call Pro Wheel or something but I don't know much about it. Hope this
helps. I don't know as to wether it makes me drive Nascar any better or not
but I can tell you driving games that support it sure are alot more fun to