I have been copping a bit of stick lately from some of my American and
European friends on VROC, about how i suggested a maximum latency cap
of 600 would be a good and fair figure for world wide GPL drivers to be
able to enter any races..
It's not the 600 cap that had them abusing me, (all in good nature, i
may add), but the fact that our 1 and only big pipe available for GPL
on-line racing in Australia, also had a cap limit of 450 on his server
as well.
This, of course was preventing the overseas drivers from entering in
the races held on Troy's server.
Well, i finally managed to catch up with Troy, about 20 minutes ago,
as he had been away all weekend, and he has agreed to up the cap limit
on his server to 600..
So, i just thought i would let you all know, that the OZ line, is
now open for business. :))
(compliments of Troy Rosenberg)
If you see Troy in chat, let him know that upping his Maximum Ping to
600, is appreciated by you all...
If everyone took this same approach to latency settings, we would have
no need for complaints at all, as i feel a cap of 600 is both fair and
"Yes", that is my professional opinion, as i also work for a local ISP
company here in Melbourne, as a trouble shooter and a internet
connection problem doctor.. :)
It would surprise you all, at some of the shocking ways our clients try
to set up a DUN and modem etc. then have the cheek to blame us for
their crappy connections.. <G>
Anyway, while i have had good races at well above 600 latency, i feel
600 is the maximum we should ever look at joining a race with, and that
is only if we have a good error free connection.
Here's to the future of GPL on-line, with the 1.1 ++ patch. <G>
Cheers from Downunder,
ps.. this type of connection in Australia is rare, to say the least,
so thanks go out to you Troy, for giving us the opportunity that
usually only our overseas friends enjoy.
Thanks again..