[ * * * s i g h * * * ]
From the LeMans message board:
From: Kev
Date: 14 Jan 2000
Time: 05:34:09
Remote Name:
Hi Sparks,
Okay, to answer your questions...
- Will there be replays in the PC version? Could you describe them?
Can they be saved? Are they small?
Yes there are replays in the PC version, but unfortunately you cant
save them.
- In the lower class races, please tell me that the PC version will
not allow slower classes to be faster than faster ones. Please?
The problem is that to many players, the idea of not being able to win
in any of the cars is a foreign one. In order to make the game
accessible and playable, we had to adjust the speeds to make the
player cars competitive.
- Are the setup options more detailed than in the PSX version?
The car set up options are the same as the PlayStation version. This
is something that has split the *** community. Some people say
there should be more options, but many more have said they like the
fact that the set up options are accessible and easy to use. (In
reality, the teams don't really make that many adjustments to the cars
and the ones they do make are so involved, it would be impossible to
include them - eg. "Use Masking Tape to Fix Wing Mirror", "Bash Engine
With Hammer" and so on!)
- Is there a centering/sensitivity/deadzone adjustment for your
- Has it been tested with PC WHEELS?
I don't have any information on this as the testing was done by
Infogrames' QA department, not us.
- Is there a way to NOT have the 'slow down and wait' Need for Speed,
arcade style of AI? This is very important in my opinion. Is there an
option to set this?
Again, this relates to the difficulty and playability of the game. The
AI is designed to make the game an enjoyable experience for the player
and, I don't know about you, but I HATE it when the AI cars zoom off,
never to be seen again...
- Are there any PC specific advanced features, like PIII instruction
support, T&L, 32 bit, 3D sound, etc?
Its all 32 bit and 3D sound is supported... unfortunately, theres no
T&L support as the hardware is so new!
* rrev at mindspring dot com
* http://www.racesimcentral.net/
* http://www.racesimcentral.net/