People inquiring about the Nascar Pro Wheel. Here is my opinion :-
The wheel is a big improvement over the T2 and GP1.
It tracks accurately, is comfortable and does not have the dead
areas associated with large wheel travel like GP1 had.
Wheel resistance is typical Thrustmaster, you either
love it or hate it (This is a personal thing.)
The side mounted shift lever is well designed and
works just as well as it looks. I personally prefer
On-Wheel shifting which is O.K. on the Pro although
the shift buttons are a bit too much of a stretch for
my thumbs.
The Pedals look good but work like crap.
I would call them totally useless. A complete disaster.
They slide all over the place, this is made worse
by the herculean pressure needed to operate them.
They are positioned vertically too. How in hell are
human beings supposed to operate vertical pedals
without positioning your ass on the ground.
The Nascar Pro can be set up for two operating modes
which allows you to determine if the brake pedal should
be used on Joystick A or B. You do not have this
choice with the gas pedal, it stays on A together
with the wheel. This is rather strange, because you
really want mode switching to put both pedals on
either A or B for best game compatibility. This setup
meant the pedals were supported in Ubi F1RS demo
but could not be made to work in NFS SE which
is designed for both pedals to be on Joystick B
I will be returning this baby for a refund.
I currently use the CH Racing wheel and CH Pedals.
I can tell you all right now that except for the personal
preference for steering resistance (the CH wheel
does not use resistance), The CH Wheel at least
equals the Pro in all areas and its on-wheel shift
buttons are perfectly positioned on the rear of the
wheel for effortless and lightning quick results.
Most people should already know by now that the
CH Pedals cannot be surpassed for racing games.
They are superb and have no drawbacks other than
they don't really look like car pedals. They do however
only work on Joystick B, which can be a disadvantage
in games which do not support Joystick B.
Nascar2 GP2 ICR2 do not have this problem.
If CH could make the pedals switchable they
would be truly without peer.