t2 wheel "spiking"

John Courtn

t2 wheel "spiking"

by John Courtn » Thu, 03 Sep 1998 04:00:00

    I noticed my car was hard to drive in N2 yesterday so I recalibrated
my wheel.  The left side seems to move smoothly.  As I get the the middle
of the wheel, the red arrow on the screen starts to jerk left/right and
sort of bounces around!  The calibration stops short of the right end of
the first bar.  Does this sound like a dirty pot or more like a
malfunctioning pot?  This is the first time I've had any trouble with the
wheel portion of my T2 (I've never had to open up the wheel portion of
the t2 since I got it as a Christmas present a year and 1/2 ago), pedals
are another story!  Is there anything in particular I should look for
when I open up the wheel to have a look?  What type of pot is in the
wheel and is it easily found at most stores?



t2 wheel "spiking"

by COWBOYSF » Fri, 04 Sep 1998 04:00:00

call thrustmaster  they will send you parts
Mike Peterse

t2 wheel "spiking"

by Mike Peterse » Fri, 04 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Sounds like either one. Go to and look for the support
page. You can request the pot's from there. It takes 2-3 weekss for them to
send them to you, but they are free...

Mike (TEN ID:mpete)
Mike's Nascar World

>    I noticed my car was hard to drive in N2 yesterday so I recalibrated
>my wheel.  The left side seems to move smoothly.  As I get the the middle
>of the wheel, the red arrow on the screen starts to jerk left/right and
>sort of bounces around!  The calibration stops short of the right end of
>the first bar.  Does this sound like a dirty pot or more like a
>malfunctioning pot?  This is the first time I've had any trouble with the
>wheel portion of my T2 (I've never had to open up the wheel portion of
>the t2 since I got it as a Christmas present a year and 1/2 ago), pedals
>are another story!  Is there anything in particular I should look for
>when I open up the wheel to have a look?  What type of pot is in the
>wheel and is it easily found at most stores?


John Courtn

t2 wheel "spiking"

by John Courtn » Fri, 04 Sep 1998 04:00:00

> Sounds like either one. Go to and look for the support
> page. You can request the pot's from there. It takes 2-3 weekss for them to
> send them to you, but they are free...

> Mike (TEN ID:mpete)
> Mike's Nascar World

> >Hi,
> >    I noticed my car was hard to drive in N2 yesterday so I recalibrated
> >my wheel.  The left side seems to move smoothly.  As I get the the middle
> >of the wheel, the red arrow on the screen starts to jerk left/right and

    Thanks everyone!  I cleaned the pot with *** tonight.  No more
spiking/dancing/jitters, the wheel is perfectly smooth in calibration
now.  The only thing is I didn't put the pot back in exactly on center
(like it was when I took it out).  I just made sure the wheel was
centered after I finished moving the wheel in calibration and everything
seems to work ok!  BTW, I bought my new computer yesterday!  It's a AMD
K6-2 333 with 128 MB RAM, 6.4 GB HD, 32X CDROM, 8MB Matrox G100, 12MB
Diamond Monster Voodoo II.  Now maybe I'll get to see what all the hype
over GPL/3dfx is about!  My P120 wasn't GPL material!

Thanks again,


t2 wheel "spiking"

by Bret » Fri, 04 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I had a very simular problem. I'd be running nice and smooth down the track,
then suddenly, my car would make a very quick jump to the left, usualy
slamming me into the outside wall, or another car trying to pass me. I called
T.M. and asked them about it. They said it sounded like the steering pot was
bad and shipped me a new one right away. I replaced it and the problem was
gone. One other thing you may want to look at would be the wires. Make sure
they all have a solid connection to the pot. If they do, then chances are,
you'll need to replace the pot itself. If you are good with a soldering(sp)
iron/gun, you can have it replaced in a matter of a few minutes, just be
careful not to melt the wires insulation.

                        Brett (TEN ID - Elrioch)

"Close only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades,
this aint either."
                                Ted Musgrave

"Only one can win. 40 some odd guys are going to go
home losers."


t2 wheel "spiking"

by Bret » Fri, 04 Sep 1998 04:00:00

DoH! Make that "quick jump to the right" not left *smacks self in the head*

                        Brett (TEN ID - Elrioch)

"Close only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades,
this aint either."
                                Ted Musgrave

"Only one can win. 40 some odd guys are going to go
home losers."

Jason Mond

t2 wheel "spiking"

by Jason Mond » Sat, 05 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I always run TMscope and check for spiking before driving for the day.

Get some 'Contact & Head Cleaner' from Radio Shack ($8.00 CAD).
Take off the steering wheel cover and spray a couple shots in the opening
in the pot. (Not too hard to miss :)

I have drilled a hole in the cover in order to clean the pot without taking
the cover off.

My T2 is getting close to 2 years old and I have never changed a pot yet;
I'll bet yours just needs cleaning.

Drive on!

> Hi,
>     I noticed my car was hard to drive in N2 yesterday so I recalibrated
> my wheel.  The left side seems to move smoothly.  As I get the the middle
> of the wheel, the red arrow on the screen starts to jerk left/right and
> sort of bounces around!  The calibration stops short of the right end of
> the first bar.  Does this sound like a dirty pot or more like a
> malfunctioning pot?  This is the first time I've had any trouble with the
> wheel portion of my T2 (I've never had to open up the wheel portion of
> the t2 since I got it as a Christmas present a year and 1/2 ago), pedals
> are another story!  Is there anything in particular I should look for
> when I open up the wheel to have a look?  What type of pot is in the
> wheel and is it easily found at most stores?

> Thanks,
> John

Jason Monds
(Remove 'no spork' when replying)
L. Andre Min

t2 wheel "spiking"

by L. Andre Min » Sat, 05 Sep 1998 04:00:00

> >then suddenly, my car would make a very quick jump to the left, usualy
> >slamming me into the outside wall, or another car trying to pass me. I called

> DoH! Make that "quick jump to the right" not left *smacks self in the head*

Just to make sure... are you talking N2? If so, have you installed the
first patch ONLY and NOT the "patch to the patch"?  The first patch
caused such behavior... the second patch fixed it. If you need more
info... email me.

Andre Ming

Michael A. Roja

t2 wheel "spiking"

by Michael A. Roja » Sun, 06 Sep 1998 04:00:00

> Hi,
>     I noticed my car was hard to drive in N2 yesterday so I recalibrated
> my wheel.  The left side seems to move smoothly.  As I get the the middle
> of the wheel, the red arrow on the screen starts to jerk left/right and
> sort of bounces around!  The calibration stops short of the right end of
> the first bar.  Does this sound like a dirty pot or more like a
> malfunctioning pot?  This is the first time I've had any trouble with the
> wheel portion of my T2 (I've never had to open up the wheel portion of
> the t2 since I got it as a Christmas present a year and 1/2 ago), pedals
> are another story!  Is there anything in particular I should look for
> when I open up the wheel to have a look?  What type of pot is in the
> wheel and is it easily found at most stores?

> Thanks,
> John

    The spiking is a result of a dirty pot. I had mine for about the same
time and this happened to me. Go to the nearest electronics store and pick up
some TV tuner cleaner. Using the extention tube shoot it in to the opening
where the three contacts come out (turn the T2 upside down so the exess will
drain out), let it dry and then hit the track

ps. There is no need to buy the most expensive cleaner.

Mike Rojas


t2 wheel "spiking"

by CPDRKITE » Fri, 11 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Anyone know whether the pots in the pedals of the T1 are the same as the T2?
The T1's aren't under warranty any longer but I need to get a new brake pot (it
will no longer work even after a thorough cleaning) and I'm hoping I can get
one of the T2's to replace it.

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