Hi All,
No much has happened recently.
I've e-mailed Andrew Gurtis at Daytona and haven't had a response yet
so I'm not sure what the position is.
I've read most of your thoughts/comments on the subject of the
licensing and I think its becoming clear to you all what a minefield
this is becoming.
Sadly, I don't have the resources to defend/fight the battle for the
Daytona track so its looks like its not going to come back.
Even if I did win the fight, I doubt it would be worth it. After all
the Daytona Patch was a hash job, its not that good - honest! :-)
All of you of been very supportive and I thank you for that, but while
I have the chance I'd just like to say a big 'Get lost' to the idiots
who have been e-mailing me saying that The Pits are, and I quote:
" A bunch of pussies"
I'm sorry but, I don't want to be a hero. Its sensible men in wars who
keep their heads down when bullets start flying.
Now to address another question I've been getting asked a lot lately.
No I am not releasing a track editor or any information on how to do
it. Firstly, I don't use a track editor, just a hex editor and a pen
and paper and we're a long way off a track editor similar to DEU for
Also, lets take a short trip back in time (cue wobble vision)...
Remember when everyone was asking Rick Genter why they wouldn't
release a track editor? Well if you remember it was because the
programs used we're very complicated and they didn't want/couldn't
support them.
Now, Payrus/Sierra/Whatever is a fairly big company and if they can't
support programs like this, what chance have I got?
The last thing I need is a 1000 e-mails a day asking why peoples
tracks don't work! :-)
There is also a m***reason.
There are many Internet and Compuserve leauges that rely on either
checksum checking software or honesty.
Now imagine if people could easily alter tracks/AI to their advantage.
No one could reliably police the series and they would collapse.
Also, there is the risk of the Internet becoming flooded with poorly
made tracks or hundred that are in breach of copyright.
This may sound crazy, but we don't disclose information for these
reasons. For that reason, we only release programs that are useful,
needed and we make them available to the racing leauges to test before
the public.
The Pits