: This is a cry for help from the United States... I have a local
: newsagent who carries P.C. Zone but currently still has the June issue.
: What issue are you folks in Europe reading that has the article on the
: World Circuit II. I was hoping not to have to wait to long.
: Thanks for your help...
Man, WC2 just looks awsome. Tears were rolling down on cheek as I first
peek at the pics in PCZone and were overcome with anticipation and joy.
Man, I hope they release this thing soon or I'll start getting withdrawn
symtoms and stuff.
In short, expect to get about 25 fps with a 'decent PC' as they put it in
SVGA 640x480 mode and 50 fps in VGA mode. It's a 3D environment meaning
the cars will roll and pitch, etc. in responses to the Gforces. External
view of the cars have light source reflections in their forms making
them look very 3d and realistic (unlike ICR2). The front wheel turns
around bends, so does the head of the driver with some pithching to
the sides like you see in those F1 pics. Nicely rendered track
side objects and beautiful and realistic looking sky with clouds and sun.
They say it will be released in Sept. but last I heard, it might be
delayed til Dec. ARG...
Well, are you drooling yet. :)
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