I was just messing around with Nascar2's track.txt files, and found the
REMed out lines at the end of nwenglnd.txt. It turns out that if you
remove the REM, you get a mirror that is very similar to the original
mirror in Nascar1. You can add these lines to the end of the other
track.txt files to have the mirror at those tracks as well. I'm not
quite sure what the ranges of the variables are, but you should be able
to adjust the mirror's magnification and field of view. With this
mirror you have no blind spot, but you can't tell the distance to cars
beside you. There has got to be a happy medium with a smaller bind
spot that still allows you to determine the distance to other cars.
MIRRL 0 0 8000 -1000000000 65536 100000 93592
MIRRC 0 0 8000 0 65536 100000 45888
MIRRR 0 0 8000 1000000000 65536 100000 93592
Sorry if anyone else has posted this, I've been out of town for a week
and have not been able to keep up with the newsgroup.
Emory University Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
The IWCCCARS Project: Q & A Representative
Nascar Setups Page: http://www.racesimcentral.net/~ebusch/