Maybe X-Car installed its own version of Glide which is not compatible
with the Pure3D, and you need to delete that in order for the game to
use Canopus' version? I'm just guessing here, because although I now
and the Pure3D, as described in the faq at Canopus' site.
Another thing I've found is that some 3dfx games (like the Falcon 4
demo) don't work too well with the very newest Pure3D drivers (ver.
1.3?), but run fine with the previous (ver. 1.2?) drivers.
On Fri, 30 Jan 1998 22:22:10 -0500, Richard Busch
>I've installed the 3dfx version and when I go to play I get a GL fault
>and a DOS fault. Anybody know whats wrong? I have a Pure 3d with the
>very latest drivers. BTW it runs fine when I install the regular
>version, but since I have a 3dfx card I would like to run 3dfx. Bethsoft
>hasn't got a clue what's wrong.
>PS: I got the game for $15 at Electronics Boutique, so if it won't run
>it's no big loss
>Busch Carpentry
>Architects sure can draw nice pictures
>Busch Motorsports
>Remember, racecar is racecar spelled backward
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