Well, the first time I used my MSFF I still had all sorts of stuuf over my
desk (CD's on top of the speaker, manuals leaning up against the monitor,
pencils on the desk, etc) and half a lap around Monza I was killing myself
laughing as everything just fell all over the place as a result of the desk
shaking under the ff effects. At least it makes me keep a relatively clear
desk now ;O)
Peter Hooper
> Hi All,
> I just ordered an Act-Labs force RS wheel and am eagerly awaiting its
> arrival. I do have a question though: How much of your FF wheel's
> vibration is translated to your desk? I have a glass-top desk and was
> wondering if everything will vibrate so much that it might affect my
> ability to watch the monitor.
> Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
> Before you buy.