Alexandre Tagliani from the Players-Forsythe Team told about his simracing:
I take Precision Simulation is supposed to be CART Precision Racing.
Astounding that he think that sim is realistic, but so says Mark Blundell.
Are we simracers nuts, or is the answer that since the professional
openwheeldrivers are so enormously better than most of us, they are able
to get some sense out of the sims we feel undrivable.
Will this mean GPL is arcade ? :)
CART should pay Papy to make a GPL-engined CART sim so their drivers could
practice more (read Shig :)
Didn't Juan Montoya also use C:PR to learn the tracks ? The problem is
probably that it is the best CART sim out, but far from good enough.
Disclaimer: I had some great moments with C:PR after the release, but I
stopped playing it after the release of GPL. After I bought my MSFF wheel
i wasn't able to drive C:PR at all, couldn't get the car to go where I wanted
to :(
Olav K. Malmin
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