Hi, sorry to ask this question again, but I couldn't find the response
or just missed it. But here it is.
What I want to do is download more cars, but I need space so they will
show up on my drivers screen. Well, can I make a couple of sub folders
under cars? I'd like to make two if possible.
I'd like to make one folder for all the extra cars that came with the
game, you know, the cars that arn't Nascar drivers.
Then I'd like to make one called cars 96 and take all the Nascar cars
that came with the game and store them in that folder.
Once the cars folder has been cleared I'd like to download all the
updated '97 cars and put them in the cars folder to run on the game.
That way I won't get confused as to which cars are which, ('97 or '96).
Can I do this and not mess up the game? Once again, sorry to ask but
like I said I either never saw the post or just didn't see it.