if you want a PIII 550, you should be looking in the $260-280 range.
good luck.
if you want a PIII 550, you should be looking in the $260-280 range.
good luck.
A PIII 550 E can be had at egghead.com for $229.00. Note that they
are backordered. I have not seen any price close to this so whether
they deliver mine is the real question.
>> >i've always found the best place to check for new hardware is
>> >www.pricewatch.com
>> >if you want a PIII 550, you should be looking in the $260-280 range.
>> >good luck.
>> A PIII 550 E can be had at egghead.com for $229.00. Note that they
>> are backordered. I have not seen any price close to this so whether
>> they deliver mine is the real question.
>> Jeff
>Morgan Vincent Wooten
>> too bad the stores at pricewatch.com make you pay 20 bucks for shipping
>> something tiny
> >i've always found the best place to check for new hardware is
> >www.pricewatch.com
> >if you want a PIII 550, you should be looking in the $260-280 range.
> >good luck.
> A PIII 550 E can be had at egghead.com for $229.00. Note that they
> are backordered. I have not seen any price close to this so whether
> they deliver mine is the real question.
> Jeff
Morgan Vincent Wooten
> --
> -----------------------------------
> Morgan Vincent Wooten
> http://members.tripod.com/~morganv/
> -----------------------------------
> > too bad the stores at pricewatch.com make you pay 20 bucks for shipping
> > something tiny