>Subject: Is it just me?
>Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 18:30:32 -0500
>Hi, I 've been playing Nascar2 now for about a month and even tho' it
>has a few bugs, it's a great game! Now I haven't touched the setups yet,
>but if I race at opponents strength at 95% I can use the set-up that
>came with the game. I know, I know, but I'm not the best yet:) Well,
>anyway, I started a season, and If I have the opponents strength at 95%
>I ALWAYS Quail in last place. The race is different, I can run up front
>most of the time. Ever time I Quil last but run up front during the
>race. So I did a little something, I did the same track (Richmond) in
>non-season mode and at 95% I could quail up front and race up front,
>so...what's wrong? It seems to me that Quail in season mode is tougher
>than regular made. Or am I really that bad. Using the setup tha came
>with the game I would run about 10-15mph slower in quail than raceing. I
>did this little test at 4 tracks and everytime I could quail at the
>front of the pack and race pretty good, but like I said, when I do a
>season I quail last and race good. I don't know what to make of it:)
>Any suggestion?
Dont have Nascar2 (dont have any Nascar), but I think I may have an idea what
is going on. I may be wrong of course. Check how much fuel is loaded into your
car for the qualification laps. I think what maybe happening is the other cars
are reducing the amount of fuel they carry significantly enough to make them
lighter and faster. Big thing to remember is cutting the fuel you use may not
be enough. Since now you have a car that is lighter, you will need to adjust
settings for your wheels and your wings.
Like I said, I have never played Nascar2 (not even the demo) but it would make
great sense to me. Of course, I still play GP2...so how much sense can I have.
DISCLAIMER: My comments are my own and not necessarily those of my employer
OR my service provider.
Ashraf Ghebranious
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